About Us
It's in Our Blood
It started with the bees. Not the recent bees in our apiary but the bees from a tree on an old farm in the early 1950’s. We were happy but dirt poor. Doctors were not availsble to us so we looked to nature. The bees, honey and history were wonderful and provided many lessons and natural remedies.
Our recent adventure started in 2019. I decided to focus on what good I could do in some small way for the environment, our health and the health of others. My research led me back to the honeybee and the need to improve the bee’s health and survival as we all know how essential the bee is to our health and survival. This and some research following up on experience in my youth in a very rural area where we relied on natural health remedies passed down through the ages, mostly from the honeybee and plant world. It is easier now as we have modern processing for essential oils from key plants that are Therapeutic and promote health, particularly to our largest organ, our skin. This led to the development of a therapeutic skincare lotion with a carefully selected group of ingredients including key essential oils. Thus Ki Skincare was formed so we can manufacture and market a series of unique therapeutic products to reduce the ravages of age on our skin and also reduce pain.